Seven Reasons that Now is  Great Time to Buy a Home!

While many waited and wondered (we call them Procrastinating Ponderers), savvy buyers took the opportunity and made the move to invest in real estate. Much of the media take a One-Sided view of the market and homeownership. In fact, the skittish actions the market takes gives favor to home buying.

The aura surrounding home purchase has changed the view of many. While it is still primarily viewed as one of the best and safest investments, there is an understanding that a home should not act as a personal ATM nor should it support short-term speculation strategies.


Consider some of the following while you ponder whether you should keep on renting or pull the proverbial trigger and make a purchase now. Below are listed Seven Reasons Why Now is a Great Time to Buy a Home! Each idea has a link to further details on that subject:

So now the question arises and is answered in the free eBook:
"So, where does that leave us? A lot smarter, able to recognize an opportunity when we see one, and aware of the facts that point to NOW as the prime time to buy a home."

Rodney Kennedy

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Nashville - Franklin
9175 Carothers Parkway, Suite 110
Franklin, TN

Your First Home

Looking to purchase your first home? Click here to request a complimentary copy of Your First Home: The Proven Path to Home Ownership.